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Wonderlens Blog Bitz
Monday, 26 May 2003

Here are some WONDERLENS MAGNETS you can stick on YOUR fridge! How? Just right-click on top of the MAGNET you want to grab. Then select "SAVE PICTURE AS" and save it to your own computer. To use this MAGNET for your own blog, the next time you EDIT or CREATE a NEW ENTRY, just click on the POST an IMAGE icon. (it's that little blue & green icon)

Once you've clicked the button, a new window will come up - just browse over to where you have your MAGNET image saved and select that file. Then click UPLOAD and the MAGNET will appear in your blog!

This guy is the Sentient Sentry. He keeps an EYE on things.
...ok...that was weak.
But the SENTRY is tough. He's trained in the six deadliest forms of door-to-door combat, so he really knows how to keep out those pesky salesmen!

Haiii---YAHH!!! Take THAT, Mr. vacuum salesman!

This is Poly-256, the best robot ever built at Wonderlens. She was originally a waitress at the ROBOT CANTINA but she got promoted to Tour Guide and now she even has her own BLOG!

Now, THIS is a Brain Jumper! He's mysterious, telepathic and always looking for a new adventure. You have to be pretty clever to get inside his BRAIN

Luna Sleepers always bring GOOD LUCK! Plus, they're just so darned CUTE! Bring this little fella home to your blog and if he gets lonely, you can always adopt another ONE! ...or TWO....or....

Besmous are also good luck. Plus, they always throw the BEST Birthday Parties! Even if it's not your birthday! Best of all, at a Besmou party, everybody gets lots of GIFTS! There's plenty for everybody, so share them with your friends!

Posted by poly256 at 7:20 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 26 May 2003 9:33 PM PDT

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