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PolyBlog: Behind the Scenes with Poly-256, the Robot Hostess-with-the-Most-Hits!
Thursday, 28 August 2003
ascii me no Questions, I'll Tyrell you no Lies
Now Playing: Help Poly-256 solve the Mystery of Astral Geode! Clue #103
(NEW to PolyBlog? Start this Mystery from DAY ONE - new clues are added daily, Monday-Friday)


What the ?!

Was that photo supposed to be some kind of INKBLOT test, ASTRAL?

TELL me you're NOT pulling a VOIGHT-KAMPFF because for the LAST time, I DO have a fact, I have several terrabytes of personality, so stop trying to trip me up!

I mean, jeez, I saw BLADE RUNNER too, but that was just a MOVIE, for pixel's sake. And I may be a robot, but I DO have feelings.

So you can take your trippy little snapshots and....

...wait a nanosec.

Astral...Blog me another photo. Take it from a bit further back...and rotate it 180 degrees.

Posted by poly256 at 8:21 PM PDT
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